Shellfish from western towns free from red tide

By August 8, 2010Inside News, News

SHELLFISH gathered from the coastal waters of Bolinao, Anda, Alaminos and Wawa in Bani continue to be free from red tide toxin and are safe for human consumption.

The Bureau of Fisheries and Agricultural Resources (BFAR) made the announcement through Shellfish Bulletin No. 17 issued on July 26.

The bulletin covers shrimps, crabs, and seashells like mussels (tahong) and oysters (talaba) gathered from the waters of the western towns.

At the same time, as a precautionary measure, City Agriculture Officer Emma Molina of Dagupan City, a seafood trading hub, has advised market inspectors, quarantine officers and market administrators to demand from fish dealers and transporters an “auxiliary invoice” or clearance for Domestic Fish Movement to ensure that seashells brought in the city market did not come from provinces or municipalities that are still positive of paralytic shellfish poisoning.

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