New hybrid rice gives higher yield

By July 11, 2010Business, News

A NEW rice seed variety, TH-82 Hybrid Rice, has been showing significant increase in yields for farmers who have started to use it since last year.

Bobet Littaua, product manager for the seed variety developed by US Agriseeds and is distributed in the country by Jardine Distribution, Inc. (JDI), TH-83 is expected to encourage more farmers to plant hybrid seeds and overcome their negative experiences with other hybrid seeds in the past.

“In most cases, yield increase of at least 30% to 50% was achieved by initial users.  TH-82 adapts well to local conditions because the variety was developed using tropical germplasms.  In short, TH-82 is highly suitable to our local climate, unlike earlier varieties that were developed using parent lines from temperate countries,” said Littaua.

He added that with the new seed, farmers could possibly double their harvest from the national average of 75 cavans per hectare to 150 cavans.

“Using better hybrid seeds will continue to boost our rice production and more importantly, help uplift the livelihood of our partner farmers,” Littaua said.

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