Beautiful minds!
By Emmanuelle
Three hundred four (304) graduating pupils of Pozorrubio Central School SY 2007-2008, as all their peers from both public and private schools throughout the country, took the NATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT TEST last March 6. Subjects tested were English and Filipino, Mathematics, Science and HeKaSi (equivalent to History, Geography and Civics combined).
If it were a game of brawns and skills, this local team would have scored a whooping touchdown. Make that three whoopers, in truth of fact.
Pozorrubio Central School finished highest among the highest in the nation – First (1st) in Pangasinan Division II, First (1st) in Region I, and Third (3rd) in the whole of the Philippine Islands.
Scoring the highest: Bea-Ann S. Andaya, Ma. Lourdes Nicole V. Abrena, Sakred Eusep A. Perez, Micah Junabel M. Ventanilla, all four pupils with a rating tied at 96.50; and Tricia Joy B. Amarillo, 96.
It is a record to equal other just as worthy records in other scholastic fields; but really, actually, it is more than a record.
It is a spectacular group achievement to humble other achievements, especially when done by a collective entity of 304 young beautiful minds. And from a public school at that.
It must make history take more than a second look at this second-class town. It must also make Pozorrubians stand a little bit taller, too.
But like most of history, this event had been written into the book without so much fuss, with quiet noise.
Congratulations and salutes are due to these pupils, their parents, their sponsors from the town’s administration, PCS Principal II Virginia S. Cabero and a host of tireless Master Teachers and other key personnel tapped to conduct the reviews.
Bea graduated with First Honors from the elementary level last April, Micah Junabel with Second Honors, Ma. Lourdes Nicole with Third Honors, Sakred Eusep with Fourth Honors, and Tricia Joy with Sixth Honors.
And lots of mornings after, these kids were off to high school. Today, they are a few months older but their minds are still growing even more beautiful. They go about their own studious curious ways – to learn more to know more – that they may build a better future of what we and the rest of the world had left them of their tomorrows.
Bea-Ann topped the Special Science Class Qualifiers given at Juan G. Macaraeg National High School in Binalonan to make it to the Philippine National Science High School. Tricia Joy made it to 3rd place, and Ma. Lourdes Nicole, 4th.
Of the hundreds of examinees, only 90 pupils from Division II qualified for PNSHS. There were 12 pupils from Pozorrubio Central School who took the science qualifier; all of them passed. The rest of the nine were: Acer Ann T. Amansec – 12th place, Ramon Bong U. Picar, Sherrie Mae S. Zacarias, Mikee T. Cruz, Diodemmar R. Casem, Mydee Camille B. Ubaldo, Engell Joy S. Isla, Danilo V. Oli and Christine Isabel A. Javier.
The record that these pupils made will someday soon be just a fond but faint memory in their minds. There will be other memories they will be just as fond of.
We would like to tell this small story that made big history, though. With the characters’ real names printed on paper or web page. So here it is.
From left to right: Bea-Ann S. Andaya, Ma. Lourdes Nicole V. Abrena,
Sakred Eusep A. Perez, Micah Junabel M. Ventanilla and Tricia Joy B. Amarillo.
(Readers may reach columnist at jingmil@yahoo.com. For past columns, click http://sundaypunch.prepys.com/archives/category/opinion/feelings/
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