More tourists visited Pangasinan last year

By September 12, 2015Headlines, News

SOME 2.4 million tourists, domestic and foreign, visited Pangasinan last year.

This was gleaned from records of arrival in various top tourist spots in Pangasinan monitored by the Provincial Tourism Office (PTO).

Malou Elduayan, provincial tourism officer, speaking at the KBP Forum on Thursday, said the number was compiled by the Pangasinan Tourism Officers Association that has members in every town and city in the province.

Among the popular destinations and spots visited by tourists were the Minor Basilica of the Lady of Manaoag, the Hundred Islands National Park, the Balungao Adventure Trail, the Provincial Capitol, now a choice tourist destination.

There were 344,000 tourists who were accommodated in hotels and inns in Pangasinan based on records of various accommodation establishments. This means the other tourists just made day trips to the destinations.

Elduayan said the statistics indicate that the number of tourists arriving in Pangasinan is steadily increasing, confirming trade reports that the province was the most preferred tourist destination in Region 1 last year.

The tourism office just conducted a seminar at Star Plaza Hotel in Dagupan for hotel and inn operators and local tourism officers that discussed the importance of keeping a record on the number of visitors who lodged and used their establishments.

A series of seminars were also held for homeowners who wish to register their houses under the homestay program for tourists since hotels and inns may not be enough for all the tourists arriving in their towns.

The first of such seminar was in Dasol town, which is famous for its Tambobong beach facing the West Philippine Sea. (Leonardo Micua)

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