Gerona rips LNU-FQD squad for N-CL area title

By March 1, 2015News, Sports


LYCEUM-Northwestern University FQD Special Science High School (LNU-FQD) squad succumbed to pressure and bowed to Gerona Junior College team, 104-107, in a knock-out championship game for the coveted crown of the 2014-2015 Seaoil-NBTC Elite League, North-Central Luzon Area, held last Sunday, February 22, at DWAD Gym.

The visiting team mounted its offensive attack on the local side at the start of game and held on to a 59-45 lead at half time. The latter managed to spark a 20-8 blast in the last canto and grabbed the lead, 100-99, with a minute remaining in the game.

However, it failed to sustain its momentum with passing and in-bound errors as well as crucial turnovers that allowed the Gerona-based quintet to convert a 8-4 run within nineteen seconds remaining in the game.

The two teams gained entry into the titular showdown after they defeated their opponents in crossover semi-final games in their respective regions, last month.

The Gerona-based team competed in the Central Luzon regional eliminations in Tarlac City while FQD topped the North Luzon regional tournament held in Dagupan City.

Gerona Junior College, as champion of the North-Central Luzon leg of the tournament, will join area champions from all over the country and compete in the league’s national championships, in Manila, in March. (Philamer Celi)

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