PSU seeks revival of agri, fishery courses

By February 16, 2015Business, News

LINGAYEN– “Agriculture and fisheries are dying courses, but are what our community needs.”

This was the lament of Pangasinan State University (PSU) president Dexter Buted and articulated his administration’s plan to revive and encourage enrollment in the university’s agriculture and fisheries courses.

Buted said there should be a high demand for agri-courses but he conceded that the courses have become unattractive and students have a negative perception of the future that the courses hold for them.

They think that earning the degrees will lead them to simply being farmers or fishermen no different from the unschooled farmers or fishermen, he said.

PSU presently offers Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and Bachelor of Science in Fisheries.

Buted is optimistic that a career guidance on the two courses seminar to incoming college freshmen will make o make the courses more attractive.

“These courses shall be aligned… leading to managerial positions and entrepreneurship,” he remarked as he encouraged government and the business community to provide more scholarships for agriculture courses.

He said innovations in the fields of agriculture and fisheries shall be incorporated in the study, apart from the basic knowledge.

Also, Buted cited the plan of reviving the ceramics course as well. (Johanne Macob)

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